
Performance: Enhancing Athlete Performance and Recovery..

As a highly experienced skeletal mechanics expert, I am able to optimise athlete performance, aid in injury recovery, and reduce the risk of injuries caused by repetitive movement patterns. I can offer individuals and or groups; 

1. Personalised Injury Rehabilitation:
I can work 1-to-1 with injured athletes, providing targeted and individualised rehabilitation support. By thoroughly analysing athletes' movement mechanics, identifying any imbalances or dysfunctions, and designing specific corrective exercises, I can assist them in their recovery journeys and help them regain optimal functionality.

2. Group Training Sessions:
As well as offering individualised support I can also conduct small group training sessions with sports teams. These sessions will focus on improving movement quality, enhancing functional strength, and addressing common issues related to repetitive movement patterns. By working in a group setting, athletes can benefit from peer motivation and the opportunity to learn from each other.

3. Accelerated Recovery:
Using my unique approach to skeletal mechanics, I’m able to assist in the recovery process for injured athletes. I look at optimizing movement mechanics, and by implementing targeted rehabilitation strategies, I can help in potentially reducing downtime and help to facilitate a faster return to performance.

4. Injury Risk Reduction:
Repetitive movement patterns can potentially contribute to increased injury risk among athletes. By closely examining these patterns, pinpointing areas of vulnerability, and implementing corrective strategies, I can help minimize the risk of injuries associated with repetitive movements. This proactive approach aims to enhance athlete longevity, reduce the occurrence of injuries, and maintain overall health and well-being.

5. Performance Optimization for Young Athletes 
My expertise extends beyond professional adult athletes. I am aware of a necessity to implement strategies to help younger athletes reduce their risk of injury and optimise their performance. I can provide appropriate additional training, to enhance movement efficiency, reduce the risk of injuries, and unlock the potential of athletes at all ages.

The stirland approach help performance for every sports person

Angie is the leading functional movement facilitator, The Stirland Approach™️ has helped 100’s of people, from men and women who play sports, professional athletes, people in need of rehabilitation from muscular skeletal injuries and people that want a healthier more mobile body.

Find out how this unique approach can help you.. read more

I have known Angie and have been a member of her movement classes for over 20 years. Ian has been a client for 15 years.
She is understanding, patient and dedicated to her profession and client needs.
Angie is always researching 'movement ' to enhance body suppleness in everyday life and finding ways to help people with muscle and joint pains.
You always feel relaxed and ready to face life”

— Kate

Learn about my Private Sessions..

Contact Angie.
07866 482 300

The Stirland Approach Studio
Bow Street Centre - Guisborough