Corporate Wellbeing

Are your employees experiencing unnecessary back pain, repetitive strain injuries or musculoskeletal discomfort? Do absentee rates due to such  issues affect your bottom line?  

My movement workshops and sessions can help get your staff back to their best, in body and mind.     

Through re-educating movement patterns, strengthening key areas and correcting postural issues, I help individuals and teams re-engage with physical activity without inhibitions or pain.       

My interactive workshops incorporate the latest research and techniques for muscular skeletal health, training participants how to identify and  correct their own movement problems.  

For those with existing issues, I provide one-on-one coaching sessions customized to address their specific challenges. With a focus on functional exercises and holistic wellbeing, I guide clients towards sustainable solutions that build strength, flexibility and awareness to prevent future injuries.

Invest in your employees' wellbeing by giving them the keys to healthy, pain-free movement. Whether you seek to improve individual productivity  or team morale, my workshops and sessions provide practical tools your people can use immediately to redefine how they move and rediscover a life without pain.

“Let's talk about how I can help your organisation reclaim their wellbeing”

Angie Stirland - Movement Specialist  

The Role of Movement and Musculoskeletal Health:

Promoting movement and maintaining good musculoskeletal health are crucial for managing and preventing lower back pain in the workplace.

Lower back pain (LBP) is a pervasive issue in the UK workplace, with significant economic and healthcare implications.

The NHS reports that LBP accounts for 11% of the total disability of the population, making it the leading cause of disability in the UK. In addition to the personal suffering it causes, LBP costs the UK economy an estimated £12 billion per year, with the NHS spending approximately £12.3 billion annually on its treatment.

The Prevalence of Lower Back Pain:

The Office of National Statistics reveals that musculoskeletal problems, including back pain, resulted in the loss of almost 31 million workdays in the UK in 2016 alone.

This staggering figure reflects the significant number of people unable to work due to LBP. Moreover, between 2018 and 2019, 498,000 UK workers reported suffering from workplace-related musculoskeletal disorders, with 20% (200,000 individuals) specifically experiencing low back pain.

Addressing the issue of lower back pain in the UK workplace is vital for both employees' well-being and the economy. By emphasising the importance of movement and musculoskeletal health, employers can help their workforce prevent and manage LBP effectively. 

Let me deliver something ground breaking..

With over 30 years of experience of how we should be moving the body, this experience is going to reduce sickness with in the workplace. More and more employers are reaching out because they are seeing how my techniques of The Stirland Approach is changing peoples lives.

- Angie Stirland, Owner & Movement Specialist at The Stirland Approach

My Corporate Services

Workplace Workshops

Corporate wellbeing workshops are designed to work with groups of 10-15 staff members, but larger groups can be accommodated. These sessions can be scheduled to suit your company to minimise disruption to the working day. The aim of these workshops is to help maximise staff health and well-being, through skeletal health education.

Individual Sessions

1:1 Corporate sessions can also be offered for any members of your team that require individualised treatment for injury rehabilitation or specific musculoskeletal symptoms.  The well-being of your staff is the priority and these sessions will aim to improve their physical health by providing them with a movement plan to suit their needs.

Off site Treatments

My studio is based in the North East of England, in Guisborough. This location can be used for out of work appointments which can be arranged by the company or by the employee.

Contact us.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on addressing lower back pain and Muscular skeletal issues in the workplace, feel free to reach out to me. I am here to support you in promoting musculoskeletal health and improving overall well-being in your organisation.

Contact us today to embark on a journey towards a pain-free and productive work environment.